March 2023 Newsletter

Hello, Everyone!

I’m kicking off the return of our studio newsletters with an important theme: Influential Female Pianists. 

Many of my piano heroes - mentors, teachers, and inspiring professional artists - are included in this theme.  Due to the societal norms and musical practices in the Western music tradition, many phenomenal composers and pianists have been overlooked.  Thankfully, there has been a renewed push to discover (or rediscover) the music of female pianists.  Composers and pianists we will highlight include: Florence Price, Cecile Chaminade, Valerie Capers, Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel, Ann Schein, Chee-Hwa Tan, Marian McPartland, Hazel Scott, Mitsuko Uchida, and more! 

A reminder regarding lesson notes: Please make sure your notes are printed and resting on your music stand at EVERY practice session.  Practice is a matter of “mind spent” not time spent. Thoughtfully working through your notes is a requirement of serious music study. Reading through your notes ensures that you are employing the correct practice strategies, technique routines, and artistic adjustments every time you practice. 

In my own professional activities, I had the privilege of adjudicating for the Broomfield area piano competition on March 4th, and I will be adjudicating for the Rising Stars competition at the University of Denver in April.  I will also be presenting for the Fort Collins Music Teachers Association in April about the music of Florence Price and Valerie Capers.  

Best Wishes and Happy Practicing,

Joe Harkins

Joseph Harkins